The small business sector remains uncertain.

The small business sector remains uncertain.

Why hasn’t the sector of small businesses recovered? Smaller businesses ought to hire. Why are they so opposed to offering more generous benefits like health insurance and higher wages? I recently had a conversation about this with a friend who made the observation that, in a nutshell, the odds were stacked against smaller businesses who didn’t really have a voice and couldn’t afford the high fees charged by lobbyists to compete with their largest corporate rivals for a conversation with their Congressmen. In point of fact, it is a regrettable fact;

This pay-to-play game of crony capitalism must absolutely be stopped. Yes, let’s chat, okay? As a result, it comes down to trust—trust in the government, economy, and regulators. The market reacts when there is too much uncertainty, as it did when Obama attacked “Joe the Plumber” or said, “I didn’t build that.” In reality, the government didn’t build the railroads, highways, bridges, or even the Hoover Dam (Bechtel did that one). The majority of things were built by businesses, which are more productive than the government, which is needed for standardization and some things.

How can the proprietor of a small business succeed? In order to get started, small entrepreneurial businesses may operate unnoticed for a short period of time; however, at some point, the regulators—there are so many at the city, county, state, regional, and federal levels that you cannot possibly know all the rules. However, you can hire and pay lawyers to keep track of everything and pay them all instead—it is very similar to extortion if you think about it.

Oh, and God help you if you succeed because they will come after you to take everything back from you and tell you to share the wealth or the bread made from the wheat you planted, harvested, baked, and put on the table. I actually saw a sign at a restaurant that said, “Sushi Drive Thru – We Take EBT.” It was across the street in a shopping center from the beach and ocean in Hawaii. “It’s insane,” a small business owner recently told me. “They could just get in a boat and go catch their own fish, the islanders had been doing it for 1000s of years. What’s the deal – free food – vote for us – government.” We are weakening people and supporting crony capitalism with a slew of nonsensical and unfair laws and regulations that clearly hurt smaller businesses and either turn into corporate welfare or social programs or both once they start. These laws, like the slew of give-me-legislations like the farm bill, mostly include food stamps (EBT). It is not surprising that small-time entrepreneurs lack trust.

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