Customers are Using SmartPhones—Are You Using Effective Marketing?

Customers are Using SmartPhones—Are You Using Effective Marketing?

As a Client Attraction Coach, I tell my clients that this means that your current and potential customers are searching, liking, and commenting on who they are doing business with on their smartphones. Are you using “smart marketing” as a business owner and marketer? Relationships are what hold Social Media together. You must allow your viewers to get to know you and yourself.

You will belong to the group that maintains that “Social media just doesn’t work” if you continue to employ the conventional marketing strategy of “buy, buy, buy.” And you would be correct if all you do is send sales messages after sales messages without actually connecting with your audience and developing a relationship with them.

The following are three “smart marketing” methods that will have an impact: 1. Share Your Expertise: Smart marketing is all about helping, not making a lot of noise. Demonstrate to viewers what or how “to do.” Step up and help others avoid the pitfalls or learning curve by sharing what you’ve learned.

As you point them in the right direction, move from solving problems that were implied to solving problems that were explicit. Example: If you’re in the fashion industry, you might want to try making a video series that shares “secret” fashion advice and makeup tips.

Change your focus from simply providing the viewer with a list of benefits to actually resolving that “sweat” issue at three in the morning that you know they face.

Go deeper, ask more in-depth questions, and then go above and beyond. Know your subject well! Clients and potential clients of today do not want to work with a generalist. They are looking for specialists and experts. Demonstrate that you are not only their solution but also possess it!

2. Rather than being pushy, smart marketing emphasizes building relationships. Interact: Be there, acknowledge and respond. Let me ask you a difficult question; consider it carefully: Which word begins with “Social Media”? It’s called social media because it’s all about connecting with and engaging your audience.

Although this may appear to be a given, it is amazing how many websites, particularly Facebook, allow comments from users but receive no response from the page or site owners—or, even worse, the page or site may not even permit comments and would not permit users to comment on their information.

One of the most common mistakes I see on Facebook is preventing users from posting status updates to your page. I recently went to a person’s wall to wish them a happy birthday, but there was no place for me to leave a comment. I had to leave a comment under a post the person had written that had nothing to do with their birthday. When posting birthday wishes, others were required to follow the same procedure.

Worse yet, when I tried to leave a favorable review of a product or service on a business page, I was unable to do so. The company’s posts about their products were the only ones that were viewable, and the page did not allow users to post status updates (a new comment).

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