Essential Questions to Ask Before Selecting a New IT Support Company

Essential Questions to Ask Before Selecting a New IT Support Company

First, do they define distinct IT support plans? It is definitely not possible to provide IT support to all businesses in the same way. While some businesses opt to use their IT support provider on an as-needed basis, others make the strategic choice to seek out external assistance for all issues.

Both of these tactics work, and any IT support company that is serious about giving their customers the right level of support will have a variety of plans to choose from.

#2: Do they have a formal agreement that clearly outlines their activities? With your new IT support provider, there is too much at stake, as there is with most business matters these days. They must have a written agreement written in plain English that clearly states the scope of the services and their costs.

Due to the fact that you are effectively giving an outsider access to the keys to your business secrets, this Agreement must also include a confidentiality clause. Lastly, any agreement you sign must be fair to both parties and not heavily skewed in favor of the provider. #3: Do They Hold Current Microsoft Certifications and Relevant Tertiary Qualifications?

There is no mandatory accreditation system in the IT profession, which sets it apart from most others. For instance, organizations that provide plumbers, electricians, engineers, architects, lawyers, dentists, doctors, and accountants are subject to regulation in order to safeguard their clientele from receiving services that are subpar or lacking in qualifications. You need to find a provider of IT support whose entire technical staff holds a tertiary IT certification. Additionally, it is essential that employees are kept up to date by investing in ongoing education and acquiring current certifications in the IT field. Microsoft certifications that include the phrase “Windows Server 2003” are not current!

Plan Get Comfortable CallsThat’s all you need to say. As far as I might be concerned, each time I held one of these studios, four to five individuals would approach the front of the room after my discussion and say, “OK, I might want to converse with you about cooperating.” They’d give me their contact data and I’d call them to follow up the following day. Then I would set up the call a couple of days after the fact, send them the materials and go through the call, getting done with the bringing the deal to a close discussion. What’s more, very much like that, I’d have a few new clients.

Make certain to provide individuals with a great deal of the “what and why” of your answer, yet all at once not all the “precisely how”. Then they’ll need to know what the “how” is, which makes the longing to work with you further to find out.

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