Avoid letting seasonal affective disorder harm your company.

Avoid letting seasonal affective disorder harm your company.

A fatal combination is seasonal affective disorder and the slow season for owners of small businesses. The majority of areas in the United States simply reset their clocks one hour. However, many of you continue to leave for work at night and return home at night. You spend the entire day at work in an office with artificial lighting and occasionally people.

You’re worn out and don’t want to work on your business when you get home. Is this a familiar scenario? It’s also possible that this is your slow season, and you have no apparent reason to turn on your computer. You are not alone in feeling this way.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short, affects a large number of people annually. Even though you do not yet have the actual diagnosis, you are aware that you must exert a great deal of effort in order to keep from becoming a couch potato. Seasonal Affective Disorder typically begins and ends around the same time each year.

To combat SAD, conscious effort is required. The possibility that this is your slow season contributes to SAD. During a time when we have multiple gift-giving holidays, higher heating costs, and clients who pay late, the slow season results in very little revenue.

Your mental health can be severely harmed by SAD and depression. To soothe your soul, it’s tempting to reach for food and drink. You should not do that, I warn you. During the holiday season, the following strategies will assist you in remaining focused and in a positive state.

How to Keep Your Laughter When You’d Rather Be Grumpy Assess Your Diet: We adore baking sweets with a lot of sugar and carbs during this time of year. Keep your focus on fresh foods that are low in calories, sugar, and chemicals that you can’t pronounce.

You’ll be able to avoid the sugar or carb crash that comes from eating these treats too much. Additionally, any additional weight gain will accelerate your decline. 2. Exercise: Work out to the point where your heart rate rises. This indicates that you ought to work up a sweat.

Take to the streets in your sneakers if you don’t want to pay for a gym membership. Put on some warm clothing and walk quickly over a longer distance if you don’t like the effects of breathing cold air. A gym membership can be purchased for as little as $10 per month.

Get your heart rate up by purchasing a good pair of walking or running shoes. Excuses can be made easily. However, instead of snacking on cookies or potato chips on the couch, you could walk, run, or use an elliptical. Make time for exercise and stop making excuses.

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