Owners of unsuccessful businesses

Owners of unsuccessful businesses allow their environment-derived emotions to run amok.

A positive mental attitude is not enough to succeed, but it is necessary. Next Steps: Right now, change your attitude by thinking about everything you are grateful for.

It is impossible to think of two completely different things at the same time. 3) Successful business owners are extremely conscious of their thoughts and attitudes at all times. Because they are aware that their attitude determines their level of success in life, when they sense that their attitude is deteriorating, they take drastic measures to alter it.

Owners of unsuccessful businesses allow their environment-derived emotions to run amok. They move emotionally with the current and pay little attention to what they are thinking. The owners of unsuccessful businesses lack mental control. Step By Step: Take some time throughout the day to ask yourself these questions: How do I feel about ________ (the issue that is most important to you right now)?

Keep a journal of those thoughts and then consider the reasons behind them. 4) Business owners who are successful know how important it is to know where fear comes from so they can get rid of it before it affects their attitude. Owners of successful businesses have an abundance mindset and believe that everyone has enough. Unsuccessful people’s attitudes are affected because they never get to the bottom of their fears.

Owners of unsuccessful businesses have a scarcity-oriented mindset and the belief that there is a limit to the size of the pie—in order for them to prosper, someone must suffer.

Next Steps: Make a list of the things that scare you. Divide the worries into two columns. Those who are rational and have real repercussions, and those who are not rational and do not have real repercussions. For instance, the rational fear of dying is jumping out of a perfectly good airplane to skydive.

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