To the question, “Why You?” What is your response?

To the question, “Why You?” What is your response?

If you don’t work in sales, you might think this information doesn’t apply to you. But keep reading. Let’s get this out of the way first. Whether you are a consultant, coach, healthcare professional, or business owner, there is one thing for sure: if you are in business, you are in sales!

Someone purchases and sells. We are drowning in information. It is now very simple to remain in front of your audience at all times thanks to the Internet and social media. You are aware of your offer. You even know who your ideal customer is and why they need your products or services. However, can you respond to “Why You?”? question?

When your ideal customer looks at you, they say, ” All of that sounds great, but why should I purchase from or hire you?… Why Me?” “You should work with me because my services can solve your problem” responses, for example. OR “Because I truly care about my customers.”

Both of these are excellent responses, but your rivals may also respond in this manner. Why should your ideal customer choose you over your rivals if everything else is equal? Once more… Why You? Think deeply: What sets you apart from your rivals? What makes you different from them? What is the primary reason you want to assist your market?

Example: My “Why You” is that I have worked with dentists and small businesses for more than 30 years. During that time, I have witnessed firsthand the difficulties and daily struggles of trying to keep your name in front of your market for bringing in new clients or patients, as well as the enormous cost that this meant for a small business in any economy.

The number of failed businesses each year is staggering. I’m on a mission to teach you how easy it is to turn everything around, get off that hamster treadmill, get rid of those “3:00am sweats,” put the money back into the “dream fund” of small business owners, and show you how to actually attract potential clients as you build the business you deserve around your dream lifestyle, which will change your life and the lives of those around you! More customers will come to you if you are able to tell them your “why you” story about why they should hire you or use your services in a way that sets you apart from the competition.

Simple Step for Action: Take some time to think about your skills, past and present experiences, perspective on situations, and how you can help clients. Find out “why you” are so determined to assist your customers and why serving them is so important to you. After that, type it up and read it multiple times. The next time someone asks you, “Why you?” you’ll realize You’ll be prepared with your individual response.

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