Assume that everyone knows how to harm your online reputation in the Information Age

Assume that everyone knows how to harm your online reputation in the Information

A study conducted online found that local consumers looking for local goods and services account for about 80% of all online searches. As a result, it is absolutely necessary for you to defend yourself in order to avoid having a negative online reputation. Negative feedback typically manifests itself in negative reviews displayed in Google’s search results.

Negative Facebook posts, negative testimonials, and negative feedback are just a few examples. Despite being obvious, try to keep all customers satisfied to 100 percent. and quickly resolve any negative customer issues. Also, assume that everyone knows how to harm your online reputation in the Information Age.

2-Customer service is the next thing to think about. Your local business runs the risk of quickly going out of business if you don’t uphold this standard. The reason is, as was mentioned earlier, that each consumer today has the ability to “blast” any opinion instantly on the Internet. For instance, this makes it absolutely necessary to be “positively irrational” when dealing with complaints from customers. As a result, before problems with customers spread to the general public online, you address them internally first.

To put it another way, by having the customer “vent” their dissatisfaction to everyone before they have a chance to post it on the internet. Certainly, “positive irrationality” implies going above and beyond to placate enraged customers. even if it meant losing some money. However, think of this loss in profit as a marketing expense well spent. Word-of-mouth recommendations from a restored relationship will outweigh this additional expense by a substantial amount. Your newly satisfied client will probably thank you in front of all of his friends for your willingness to “Do right.” Therefore, it is in your best interest to assume that your customer is “always right,” even if you know that you did nothing wrong. To best address the concern of your customers, you may need to act positively irrationally in this situation. Because when a customer complains, you may have to act against your will and what you know to be true.

3-The following factor is that consumers today have unlimited “communication leverage.” “If you have one unhappy customer, she will tell seven others in her personal realm,” is an old piece of advice. However, the average person now has a lot more power than ever before. The fact of the matter is that virtually anyone can access the internet right now, connect, and quickly communicate with hundreds or even millions of people. Having said that, negative information can now be disseminated rapidly and exponentially to a wider audience by virtually any single individual. Most importantly, everyone who searches for local goods and services will be able to see your bad reputation semi-permanently on the internet. This is a time when bad news spreads the most quickly. Additionally, this trend will continue into the future, moving faster than light. As computing technology progresses into a future filled with innumerable possibilities, speed, and individual power.

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