How to Start Your Own Taxi Business ?

How to Start Your Own Taxi Business ?

Think about the other option. Wait while you do something nearby. If you stayed in the area, the waiting time would be four hours longer than returning to base, as you would have to leave Southampton at 17:00 to return to Wimbledon at 19:00. You have saved 30 pounds in fuel and time traveling!

I followed the same guidelines, for instance, from Southampton to Ascot Racecourse. I did not return to Southampton empty-handed because I found something to do nearby. For instance, the return fare from Southampton to Bournemouth (graduation ball) is £120. During the return trip, staying in Bournemouth: With about £10 worth of gas, 60 miles will take you 1.5 hours. Six hours of unpaid waiting and £10 in total fuel cost.

Income of £110 Fuel cost £20 to return to base. I decided to return to base because of the time of day, which resulted in an additional £10 (£100) from my profit. For example, the Festival of Speed from Southampton to Goodwood. Both of the passengers were doctors, so it’s possible that they had to get back quickly. As a result, I was charged for waiting time because I had to stay with the car.

The circumstances and the customer will require you to alter the hourly rate. If a passenger delays more than an hour while going through customs, some companies charge an hourly rate. That’s up to you, but I think it wouldn’t be a price that some customers would be happy to pay. Having a fares-paying customer go up and back is the best and most profitable route. For instance, if you subtract £20 for fuel (up and back) from the £80 fare from Southampton to Heathrow, you make £60. You will receive a total of £140 as a passenger who pays the fare on the return journey.

5. Cost in London. Traveling into London can be time-consuming and subject you to the Congestion Charge in Central London. When traveling to London, ensure that you add to the charge whenever you enter the charging area. Additionally, register your bank card with Transport for London, as the fee will be deducted from your account automatically.

6. Take into account the factors. I can provide a list of things that could affect the quote you provide by referring to my website. If you need to “meet and greet” to pay for parking, you can add a small fee to your Airport Transfer. Be prepared to offer a discount to Executive Travel customers, as they may become loyal ones. Customers of Wedding Car Hire may have bespoke arrangements, necessitating that your fee be adjusted to take into account a variety of factors.

The journey from home to church and then to reception might not be easy. For a special occasion like a prom or graduation, customers of Luxury Private Hire may have to pay a small surcharge on top of the standard quote.

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