The ideal scenario would be for every delay in the project to be resolved with only minor losses

The ideal scenario would be for every delay in the project to be resolved with only minor losses

The hard way The ideal scenario would be for every delay in the project to be resolved with only minor losses. However, there are instances in which this is not the case, and there are two possible scenarios: either accept the loss and keep the client or reject it and take action. In the second scenario, inform the customer of the repercussions of their actions and agree internally when to put the project on hold and move on to other matters. Good documentation, frequent, sincere communication, and the development of an exit strategy from the outset are all essential. It works in the same way that a stop-loss system used in financial trading markets does. It’s hard and expensive, but it’s good for you.

Mitigation measures When a project is delayed, the most important question is why. Most of the time, the customer does not want to delay the project. And responses could include: The business users are unaware of the reason for the delay, the project’s value has decreased and it is no longer a top priority, or the business case was not prepared in advance. In each of the aforementioned instances, a meeting of the steering committee is required to explain the delay and establish a new, realistic deadline. It is essential to identify the cause of the delay from the customer’s perspective before considering any and all possible plans for mitigating it.

A customer does not always have to tell the contractor about the strategic reasons that may cause a project to be delayed. However, the contractor only needs to document the obvious delay and its impact on the project and present it to the client’s responsible lead to safeguard the project. In order to get the client’s attention, you can let them know that the delay could put the project in jeopardy, result in the loss of valuable human resources or client work, and cost even more money and time.

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