Ideas for Small Businesses and the Power of the Mind

Ideas for Small Businesses and the Power of the Mind

When we think of “ideas,” we often picture a lightbulb. It’s so prevalent that it’s almost cliché. You know, the light bulb in a picture where someone is thinking, solving a problem, or finding something. There are probably a lot of reasons for it, but I would guess that a lot of it comes from the inventor’s father, Thomas Edison.

Edison’s story is fascinating and he was a prolific inventor. Although Edison did not invent the first electric bulb, he did devise a methodical approach to the production of a commercially viable incandescent bulb. He filed a patent for a light-generating method using carbon filaments in 1879. The bulb only worked for 13 and a half hours.

However, Edison came up with the concept for a carbonized bamboo filament while fishing in Wyoming. He was taking a break on the shore of a fishing lake and looking at the threads on his bamboo fishing pole when the idea hit him. When he got back to his lab, he used the idea of the bamboo filament and got 1200 hours of light.

Edison’s development of electric lighting that could be sold at a profit gained its first major breakthrough with this concept. Now take a look at the situation. Edison was on vacation or a trip. He came to unwind, fish, and witness a solar eclipse.

However, there was one more thing he was doing: a very significant factor, he was considering. He understood the power of the mind because he was thinking, as Edison did. Relaxing, thinking, and looking intently at his fishing pole led to one of the greatest human inventions ever.

Because Edison was able to think and act on what he thought, the world is better now. Edison took action on his “business idea” by developing methods for generating his ideas. He had started Edison Electric Light Company at that time with the help of Vanderbilt and JP Morgan as financiers. It was undoubtedly a lot of work to develop an idea, pitch the idea, and establish a company around a novel concept. Always, those things do. However, Thomas Edison’s mind was the place where it had to begin.

At some point in the process of developing an idea, you’ll need money, position, resources, intelligence, talent—you name it. However, at the outset of the concept, they are not required. The only thing that is required to get the idea is IMAGINATION.

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