Are These Five Myths About Data Security Threatening Your Company?

Are These Five Myths About Data Security Threatening Your Company?

Data protection is always one of the risks I talk about when I talk to people about risk management these days, and the number of times one or more of these five common myths come up worries me more and more. Because of this, many otherwise competent managers are failing to take some of the necessary precautions to manage this risk and ensure the safety of their businesses. First Myth: ” It’s a matter of IT.” An invitation to speak with their IT manager, whether within their company or an outside contractor, typically follows this.

It is incorrect for the following five reasons: 1. The Human Condition. Although the Information Commissioner’s Office has reported that more than 60% of incidents reported to them in the past two years did not involve any IT failure, it is evident that having the appropriate software to protect your data from hackers, viruses, and malware is essential.

Human error was the primary cause of most breaches. Except in those instances where deliberate wrongdoing was a significant component, “error” would be an inappropriate term. This indicates that it is the responsibility of your HR manager rather than IT manager. 2. Which IT? It is also essential to keep in mind that the majority of businesses store and/or process data on a variety of different devices in addition to the conventional mainframe, desktop, and even laptop computers. The number and variety of products like tablets, mobile phones, storage devices, and planners are expanding. The majority are outside the control of the company’s IT head. 3. How is the data handled? In addition to the obvious business-related data processing activities, a significant amount of data is distributed daily in a variety of ways, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Some will be shared verbally, either in person or over the phone. Some will be written down. If we include everything that comes out of the printer and all of the handwritten notes that we all use, the paperless office is not as common as we would like it to be. 4. Tweet, tweet, We are all aware of how frequently irrational social media posts cause celebrities trouble. We lesser-known individuals must also exercise caution. Even though we may actually use these forms of media in the course of our work, there are times when we blog or tweet about our work or just about our day and end up sharing information or comments that could get us into a lot of trouble. 5. Where does responsibility end? According to law, the owner of the business or whoever is in charge of the business as a whole is responsible for data security.

That individual may impose sanctions on employees or others, but the top is ultimately responsible. While the responsibility cannot be delegated, the task can be. Second Myth: ” It’s being outsourced! Numerous businesses today outsource a wide range of services. HR, payroll, accounting, maintenance, and even office management are among others. Information technology is one of the most popular. There are a lot of good reasons to do this, but don’t assume it will solve all your problems. Four of them are as follows: 1. The Rules Even though you can outsource the work, you still have legal responsibilities, as stated earlier. 2. Your Picture. If it turns out that a contractor failed to protect the data of your clients or employees, it will likely hurt your reputation. 3. The Uncertainty Overcast.

You should ask what it means when someone claims that your data is safe because it is “in the Cloud.” It will be on a computer somewhere owned by someone. How safe does that sound? Is your subcontractor aware? 4. The EU. All personal data pertaining to EU subjects must be stored within the EU or in a system that complies with EU law if it were located within the EU, as mandated by EU legislation. The majority of American businesses do not adhere to EU law, not even officially!

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