By gaining favor with the business owner’s family, cunningly tries to become a part of the owner’s extended family

By gaining favor with the business owner’s family, cunningly tries to become a part of the owner’s extended family

They won’t delegate their responsibilities to others, giving the impression that they don’t think anyone else can do them as well. The actual truth serves as a cover for their true motive, which is to conceal their actions from others.

This person rarely takes a year off from work. It will only take one or two days if they ever do. They are also worried and making hasty calls to the office while they are away. They are worried that something might come up and make them known, or that another person might discover the connection and join him in stealing from the businesses.

Typically, he or she is the company’s most computer-savvy employee. Embezzlers work hard to master any skill that gives them complete control over the means by which they steal and cover their tracks. They will have the company’s highest level of trust in themThey put in a lot of effort to act completely submissive and trust everything their superiors and even those in positions of authority below them. They do this to disarm people who ought to have noticed their antics. the intention to portray others as innocent and unable to commit the evil they are committing or are about to commit.

By gaining favor with the business owner’s family, cunningly tries to become a part of the owner’s extended family. They want everyone in the vicinity to believe that they are completely devoted to the business and its owner.

Additionally, this is a calculated effort to dispel any notion that they are evil. They would go out of their way to serve the proprietor’s family in other unwelcome extravagances. They would assist the proprietor’s children with their homework, and even the proprietor’s spouse or husband would receive special, unpaid services like an employee. Exceptional intelligence and a lot of common sense.

They typically have a lot of creative ideas and go above and beyond to provide services that are not related to their job. This is planned to make them feel good to other people and to make them look bad. reveals to be the company’s most organized employee.

They can ensure that everything is in working order. They make an extra effort to make sure that no one else will be asked to do anything, especially things that could easily be used to steal money or other materials. Work extra hours without getting paid. This is designed to make the owner of the business dependent on him or her and to arouse doubt in the owner’s mind in the event of suspicion.

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