How to manage employees with ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY ?

How to manage employees with ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY ?

By the time they are let go, employees with ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY disorder have probably already caused irreparable harm. They frequently resort to violence and intimidation in order to achieve their goals. Solitary Character, likewise called insane person, is spurred solely by personal circumstance and have no heart. They may be brutal and without remorse: either think strategically or rashly. These individuals have a strong desire for vengeance.

Because of the absence of human connection others address just negotiating tools. If you get caught up in their scam, they may become irate and violent. They can easily control other people and intimidate those who don’t agree with them. The most effective method of communication with them will be a methodical approach to problem solving that keeps their interests at heart. Promise them nothing if you can’t keep it.

The narcissistic employee type is difficult from the start because they are egotistical, feel entitled, and constantly feel underappreciated. They may resort to aggressive litigation and sometimes violence if they become personally attached to their job and are fired.

4) The passive-aggressive personality type is always the aggressor and the victim. They will sue as a victim, and you will be held responsible for their dismissal. They are more likely than others to hurt themselves and sue for sexual harassment or worker’s compensation. 5) An employee with a DEPENDENT PERSONALITY will be too afraid to confront or question you for fear of being disapproved of. They frequently ask for and require manager assurance in everything they do, which is why they are rarely fired. They do a good job. 6) The avoidant personality type is not demanding or threatening.

They are looking for human connection and empathy. They rarely get fired and tend to be very consistent and dependable. They will never violate the policies or rules of the company, and if they do, it will be because they were coerced by an aggressive personality type.

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